Q: How did the website get its name?

A: The website was bought on domains.google.com for $20 a year. Modesty.com would have been an ideal choice, but as to be expected it was already purchased. The other two domains that were lightly considered were modesty.resources and modesty.tools, but neither seemed as fitting.

Q: Does the website have a denomination?

A: No matter what Christian denomination says something, if it’s good—we use it. However, we desire to use content from denominations that hold doctrines that are necessary for salvation.

Q: Is immodesty as bad as lust?

A: Both immodesty and lust are sexual sins, and because of that the person is sinning against his/her own body (1 Cor. 6:18). Lust is adultery of the heart and immodesty is "adultery of the clothing" in a sense. As to which is worse, it depends which angle is taken on the sin. For example, imagine a man and a woman in a mixed gathering. Suppose the man chooses to lust after women, and the woman wears an outfit that is immodest. The woman wouldn’t be bothered by her own outfit, but it is a form of disrespecting herself. And because of the outfit, all the men could be tempted or disturbed, while all the women could be jealous or led to copy her. When the man lusts, chances are it would only affect himself, but it generally hurts himself more than the immodest woman would be hurting herself.